
Rising Sign Calculation

Rising Sign Calculation

If the sign is where the sun is at birth and defines the native personality in early life especially, Ascendant is the zodiacal constellation located at the eastern in the moment of birth and mainly defines the personality in the second part of native life.
The Rising Sign (ascendant) is calculated based on the following elements:
- time of birth
- sidereal time
- coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the place of birth;

Calculation of Ascendant in 5 steps

1. The first step in calculating the ascendant is the conversion of your birth time in GMT format.
To convert in GMT time you can use https://www.timezoneconverter.com for example.

2. Read sidereal time for the birth date from ephemeris tables.
Approximate difference between the sidereal time of two consecutive days is about 4 minutes.
Sidereal time will be adjusted depending on the time of birth with 0 to 4 minutes.
This is the corrected sidereal time.

3. In this step the longitude must be converted in time using the formula 15 degrees = 1 hour.
Longitude is multiplied by 4 and we get the correction minutes depending on this.

4. To find the final sidereal time we add what was obtained in the previous paragraphs:
- GMT time
- the corrected sidereal time
- longitude corresponding correction.

5. In the table with the sky houses on the latitude corresponding with the place of birth will seek the final sidereal time, previously obtained we will find the place where the sky houses are located.
1st House represent the Ascendant (Rising Sign), 10th house represent the Midheaven, 7th house represent the Descendant and 4th house represent the Lower Midheaven (Imum Coeli).