Rising Sign
Rising Sign Libra

The native with Libra Ascendant is a person with a lot of charm and so polite that can be considered insincere although usually that’s not the case.
The expression and manners will always help him look more educated.
Although it may seem emotionally detached, Libra Ascendant has a friendly disposition and he is cooperative. If something is considered unbalanced, he can begin to ask for a lot to balance the scale .
Many of those with this ascendant are physically attractive considering that Venus leads this sign. Even if Libra Ascendant is not appealing, he will be able to draw attention with his personality, clothing, diplomacy or something else.
Libra Ascendant is romantic, charming, graceful and with a diplomatic spirit.
The expression and manners will always help him look more educated.
Although it may seem emotionally detached, Libra Ascendant has a friendly disposition and he is cooperative. If something is considered unbalanced, he can begin to ask for a lot to balance the scale .
Many of those with this ascendant are physically attractive considering that Venus leads this sign. Even if Libra Ascendant is not appealing, he will be able to draw attention with his personality, clothing, diplomacy or something else.
Libra Ascendant is romantic, charming, graceful and with a diplomatic spirit.